3 Tips for Beautyrest Mattress Upkeep
After taking the steps to buy a Beautyrest mattress, you may be thinking you don’t have to do anything else except for sleep on it now. Well, while beds are low-maintenance, they do need a few things from you to stay in mint condition. With a little more care and upkeep, the mattress can look and feel better for longer. Keep your Beautyrest Mattress clean and looking good for years by following the following tips I’ve laid out for you. It’s easier than you think!
Need more information, read this Should You Flip Your Mattress?
One very simple way to always ensure your bed isn’t sagging is with a quick rotation. Ok, it may take two people to actually move your bed around, but it’s worth it and shouldn’t take you more than a minute. The reason this tip is so important is because your mattress can start to sag if you sleep in the same spot every night. By rotating your Beautyrest mattress every three to six months, your bed will stay firm and wear evenly so that you can continue having the best results.
Change Sheets
You’ve been taught to do this chore since you were a child and now you must change your sheets not only for your benefit, but also for your mattress’s. Your sheets only protect your mattress so much, and the longer you go without washing your bed sheets, the dirtier your mattress could get.
Even if you’re the cleanest person in the world and shower before bed, you’d be surprised to know how much dead skin falls off your body throughout the night and stays on mattresses. It’s not a pretty number, so all I can say is wash your sheet every one to two weeks and your mattress will live a long and healthy life.
I also recommend using a mattress protector which will assist in sparing your mattress from dirt and germs. Clean yours every couple of months to keep your bed looking pristine and fresh.
You might also like : Why You Need a Mattress Protector
Less Jumping and Food
It may be fun, but no jumping on your bed. I mean, you’re an adult and can do what you want, but if you want a bed that’ll support your back, then jumping on the bed is out of the question. If you want a lumpy bed then by all means, pounce away!
Another activity you’ll want to stay away from is eating in your bed. You may think you’re being careful with that midnight snack you brought into your Beautyrest bed, but you’re probably creating crumbs everywhere. And, you know who likes crumbs? Bedbugs. Keep the food out and you’ll be safe from the horrendous things that come with snacking in bed.
Here at BrandSource, we want you to have the best experience possible with your new Beautyrest mattress. But, owning one and maintaining one requires a little work from your end. Show your Beautyrest bed a little love here and there and you’ll get a loyal mattress for years to come!
Angela, Your Sleep Expert