Inspiration Blog

3 steps to selecting an accent chair
How many, one or two? It’s important to consider the number of chairs you need for your space. If your goal is to create a conversation space, you’ll need at least two chairs,

Five ideas on how to decorate with accent chairs
Accent chairs are way more than just an extra seat. They can make a statement about you and your home. Here’s how you can spice up any room with a comfortable and stylish show-stopper.

Insider Look – England Furniture – How your CUSTOM furniture is made! – Video Part 2
We get it, you want something unique, and that fits your style. At BrandSource we have a great partnership with England Furniture. This offers you American made custom choices on different upholstery styles.

Insider Look – England Furniture – How your CUSTOM furniture is made! – Video Part 1
We get it, you want something unique, and that fits your style. At BrandSource we have a great partnership with England Furniture. This offers you American made custom choices on different upholstery styles.

Why You Should Probably Invest in a Snore-Room
Your partner saws logs when they sleep, or maybe you sound like a freight train yourself. Regardless of the culprit, snoring is liable to cause serious night-time disturbance,

Think Cushion before buying a Sofa
Before you buy that jaw-dropping stylish sofa, think about comfort. The filling and cushioning are as important as the looks. Think where you will be placing the sofa and how you will be using it.

What Is Memory Foam?
Memory Foam was originally developed by NASA in the 1970s, and has since become one of the most popular mattress technologies in the world

An Empty Nester’s Guide to Downsizing
It’s time – the kids have taken flight and the nest seems a whole lot bigger than it ever did before. You’re ready to make the transition to a more manageable abode, but after years in a family home, where does one begin?

Yoga You Can Do From Bed
In an article written by Harvard Health, a study found that over 55% of Americans who did yoga reported that it helped them get better sleep. Even more exciting? Over 85% of them said yoga helped reduce stress.
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