Reinvent Your Indoor Gardening with Danby Sleek Home Herb Grower
When you think of eating healthy or locally-grown produce or the zero-mile diet, Danby Appliances probably doesn’t come to mind – at least not yet. The seventy-year old, family-owned compact appliance distributor and manufacturer hope to change this perception with the launch of Danby Fresh – a new spin on home cultivation.
Danby Fresh is a turnkey solution to growing fresh fruits, herbs, and vegetables from the comfort of your home all year round. The home herb grower looks and feels like one of the appliance company’s wine coolers, with its sleek stainless steel body and single-arm swinging glass door, but acts like a miniature greenhouse.
I caught up with Danby Appliances to talk about how their project came to be, who Danby Fresh is for, and how does it work, plus more. Here’s the full interview:
Me: Can you tell me what Danby Fresh is?
Danby: Danby Fresh is a home herb grower made with the chassis from Danby’s wine coolers and fitted with some of the industry’s leading high-efficiency, full-spectrum LED grow lights, to create an all-in-one easy-to-use indoor garden solution.
Imagine a miniature greenhouse that fits with your kitchen décor and requires minimal maintenance to grow fresh fruits, herbs, vegetables, and flowers all year round.
Me: Who did you have in mind when creating this home herb grower?
Danby: When designing Danby Fresh, we had locavores and zero-mile dieters in mind, but anyone who cares about where their food comes from and what they’re putting on their family’s plates will want a Danby Fresh. It’s also great for gardeners and florists who want to continue growing certain strains of plants and flowers when seasons change. Right now, Danby Fresh comes in two sizes – a 24” and 19” width. We’re hoping to build a larger version for commercial use in restaurants in the future.
Me: Why Danby Fresh?
Danby: Danby Fresh is a win-win appliance in our eyes. It’s a win for consumers because it offers a practical and economical solution to home growing that’s escaped consumers until now. The only other home cultivator on the market today is cumbersome, requires professional installation – due to waterlines and other tubes prone to leaks – and can only grow microgreens. Danby Fresh can be used right out of the box, has no waterlines – no leaks, and due to the full-spectrum high-efficiency LED lights can grow full-size plants, vegetables, fruits and flowers for more nutrient-rich harvests.
Danby Fresh is also a win for Danby Appliances because it creates less waste. Approximately 9 million refrigerators and freezers end up in landfills every year in the US. By using new or repurposed shells of wine coolers, the consumer can grow herbs on their terms for the rest of their life. Only after approximately 50,000 hours of light use will the light need to be easily replaced. No costly repairs that would naturally result in a product getting sent to the landfill.
Me: How big is the Danby Fresh?
Danby: Danby Fresh comes in two sizes, 24” and 19” width, and can be used freestanding or installed under a countertop – whichever suits your kitchen décor best.
The complete dimensions are:
Width 60.48 cm 23 13/16″
Depth 64.77 cm 25 8/16″
Height 87.63 cm 34 8/16″
Me: How does the Danby Fresh work?
Danby: Danby Fresh provides anyone the opportunity to create a sustainable source of their favourite herbs and vegetables all year around. The Fan-assisted air circulation system and ultra-efficient LED lighting which radiates the full colour spectrum of the sun, allows the plants to grow healthier, heartier, and fuller than typical fluorescent lights. Plants need a full spectrum of light in the same way humans need a variety of vitamins. The best part about the herb grower is that you can grow these hearty hedges in the comfort of your own home on your terms.
Me: Thank you Danby for all the great information about this new product.
If you want to know more about Danby Fresh and other Danby Appliances, click here.
Isabelle, Your Appliance Expert