Why You Should Probably Invest in a Snore-Room
Your partner saws logs when they sleep, or maybe you sound like a freight train yourself. Regardless of the culprit, snoring is liable to cause serious night-time disturbance, which means bleary mornings and a hint of bitterness. Snoring can lead to snags in your relationship.
Snoring, unfortunately, is a common problem among all ages and both genders. The National Sleep Foundation (NSF) estimates that snoring affects 90 million American adults – 37 million on a regular basis. That’s a lot of people.
People also snore for all types of reasons: sleep position, deviated septum, diabetes, obesity, cold and flu, and even regular allergies. Sleep Apnea is a common culprit, too, with about 860,000 Canadians claiming to suffer from it every year. Even as you age, you become more susceptible to thunderous respiration in the bedroom.
If you still haven’t found a solution for the heavy breather in your relationship, you’ll be happy to know there’s another way.
The snore-room. A completely separate bedroom for your partner. The concept – while it might sound silly at first – has been gaining popularity among luxury-home buyers everywhere. Maybe you think it will be bad for the relationship, or that it comes with a stigma, but it’s not meant to. Each person gets their own space, designed to their own taste, with their own personal comforts. Consider how much kinder you’ll be to each other if you’re better rested.
MacLean’s reported that lots of celebrities already do it. Tim Burton and wife Helena Bonham Carter even have separate, but adjoining, homes. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes did it, and many Europeans are already following suit. It can be an agreement that’s – well – agreeable.
It is true that most people prefer to sleep next to their partner, but sharing a bed can be hard. Think about how many nights you’ve lay sleepless as your partner peacefully nose-whistles into the wee hours.
According to the NSF, when you sleep, the muscles in your throat relax and your tongue falls backward, making your throat narrow and ‘floppy.’ The walls of your throat then vibrate, which leads to that characteristic snoring sound. Sounds as low as 30 decibels can affect your rest, and snoring lands somewhere in the range of 30-60 dB. In an article about how sound impacts your sleep cycle, Huffington Post provided some context: busy traffic is about 70 decibels, a subway is 90 decibels, and an airplane taking off is about 100 dB.
When you consider how much you might be affecting each other’s sleep, the idea of a snore-room starts to sound like a sanctuary. Plus, a second master suite is a cozy retreat instead of a back-breakingly lonely night on the couch.
Building a 10-room mansion or an adjoining house is probably not for you (and let’s be real, it’s not an option for any of us), but you can certainly revamp your guestroom. Paint it a soothing colour, rethink the vibe of the space – make it feel like a luxury. If you’re exhausted every morning, it might be time to give the snore-room a try.